Taurus Horoscope 2011
In 2011, Taurus, born in the period 12-17 May should be possible to soberly assess the situation on the careers, the bosses can build intrigue. Born in the period 20.04-23.04 may go abroad and there is much to change their lives. Calves in 2011, unexpectedly lucky with friends, maybe making new friends, interesting and unusual.
Health Tel'tsov not particularly hurt this year. Traumatic situations could occur in September. During this period, should also choose a proper diet.
Careers, professional activities
Success in their careers can expect a Taurus, whose work is connected with education, travel abroad, and training. In other situations, there is a stable and without major changes. February may also be marked by various achievements in this field.
Family, children
Family life will proceed without too much conflict and controversy. Turmoil in the relationship with family members may occur in June. Children are the same Taurus may encounter problems with their health. Particular attention should be paid to them in July and early August.
The most favorable months for financial stocks - May and August. Least favorable - mid-late March, early April. In general, the main source will serve as your professional activities. In various kinds of lotteries, casino games to play is not recommended.
For this area this year, not yours. Circumstances are you to create different kinds of constraints in this area. This will avoid the fate of Taurus, born in mid-May. Establishment of various non-serious relationship can then tell your lamentable state of health and in life in general. For a serious relationship this year's more favorable if you are able to cope with difficulties in this area, then later on you'll be rewarded with stability and excellent relationships.
Horoscopes 2011