Remain staunchly open-minded on Friday as you give people a chance to wow you. First impressions can be indelible, but also limiting. People have bad hair days, fashion crises, PMS, and hot flashes. If you dig a little deeper, you might strike gold with an invaluable person, whose life is just a little tarnished at the moment. Going to a party? Say hello to the brooding-yet-intriguing person parked by the cheese platter. Smile at the bassist instead of the lead singer. Still waters run deep. On Saturday, stop pushing away the facts about your present reality. Circumstances may not align with your ideal picture of how they “should be,” but it’s time to come to terms with what is. It’s been said that hell is the state of wanting to be somewhere other than where you currently are. Shift your reality by accepting (and blessing!) where you are now. There are valuable lessons and growth opportunities to be had. Don’t miss out on them by pining or obsessing about something that’s just not clicking at the moment. A group meditation or yoga class can do wonders for your spirit on Sunday.
Gemini Horoscope 2011
Horoscopes 2011