Why keep struggling as a solo act when you have an entire cast waiting to back you up? On Friday, call on the power of teamwork. A collaborative effort gets you over that hump. Finally–a breakthrough! You’ll have to humble yourself a bit to ask for what you need. Someone you considered “the competition” is actually your greatest ally in this game. Why scrap over limited resources, when you’ll both flourish so much more if you share? You’re going to have to adjust your attitude towards this person though…and that’s the biggest challenge of all. On Saturday, put it in writing! If you’re going to share money or resources with someone you love, it’s important to spell everything out in crystal clear detail. It might seem awkward to draft a contract with your sister or sweetie, but you’re doing it in the name of preserving the love between you. Use humor to navigate through the bizarre vibes. On Sunday, notice where your kindness is treading into the codependent territory. If you’ve become more concerned with bettering someone else’s life than you have your own, return to your own center, Pisces. As they say on every airline flight, you need to strap on your own oxygen mask before you can assist anyone else.
Pisces Horoscope 2011
Horoscopes 2011